Monday, 19 March 2012

A couple of Newsea Retextures!

Hey Guys, I'm back again!
Just two new Newsea retextures for you all!
Newsea Lover has a child version it's just that I didn't have the time to take the previews so just Imagine the adult version on the child, if that's the case!
I though Newsea Samantha wasn't half-bad, in CAS it looked high until I saw it in-game it's not bad at all! So all and all, the mesh is included!
All versions available!
Enjoy it guys!
(P.S Don't be mad at me! I am still currently working on your requests!)

Adjust-Shine Version (Adult): Mediafire
Child: Mediafire

EA Version (Adult): Mediafire
Child: Mediafire

Adjust-Shine Version: Mediafire

EA Version: Mediafire

Texture by Pooklet
EA control by Anubis


  1. Thanks so much! I've been waiting rather impatiently for someone to rextexture these. Brilliant work, as always! =3

  2. Fabulous and your model is so cute I want to kidnap her :c.

  3. I am downloading both of them,definitely.
    Great work,keep it up! :D
