Hey fellow bloggers! I'm really sorry that I moved to tumblr now, but I will still keep all of you updated and here are the links to my new retexture! NewSea Cappricio Retextures:
I reached up to 100 Members on my blogspot! I couldn't have achieved this without you guys! So get ready, because right now, you get to request any particular hair you want retextured!
Hey guys, just the usual, back with some retextures! It was pretty quick and for Cazy's new hair mesh, I must say it was made really well so I decided to retexture it! Altough there is one problem, for the retexture of Cazy Narve, you can only have one version of highlights available in game, and for Peggy's, you can have both highlights at the same time! The mesh is included! Well that's all folks, enjoy it!