Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Quick Peggy!

Just back with a quick retexture which you can have all highlights in game at the same time.
The mesh is included! 

Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Adjust-Shine TIPS Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Texture by Pooklet
EA Control by Anubis

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

NewSea Lafite!

Hey Everyone!

Back with a quick retex and Alpha-Edit!
Mesh is included and all versions and highlight can be in game at the same time!
So enjoy it all!

Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Alpha-Edited Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Alpha-Edited EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Texture by Pooklet
EA Control by Anubis

Friday, 18 May 2012

NewSea Evergreen!

Hey everyone!
NewSea Evergreen retextured with EA and Adjust-Shine Tips Highlights included!
Just a simple quickie, aha! ;D

The Mesh is included and you can have all Highlights in your game at once!
Well, that's all for now so enjoy it!

Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Adjust-Shine Tips Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Tips Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Texture by Pooklet
EA Control by Anubis

Thursday, 17 May 2012

New Model?

Hey Everyone!
I was just planning recently about making a model that actually took time,
yet she is still in the process of being made and I will consider of uploading her CC free.
Here are just a few in-game screenshots I took just before.
Stay tuned for my next post will surely be her!
Enjoy the photos guys!
See you all soon!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

NewSea Millet!

Hey everyone, back again with another retex!
I have included a child version although I couldn't be bothered, it's packaged altogether with the adult.
Well, you can have both highlights in game at the same time!
The mesh is included for you to enjoy!
Have fun guys!
See-ya! :D

Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Texture by Pooklet
EA Control by Anubis

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Guess what? NewSea Guess!

Hey everyone, you know the drill!
Quick retexture with mesh included and you can have both highlights in game at the same time!

Adjust-Shine Highlights: DOWNLOAD

EA Highlights: DOWNLOAD

Texture by Pooklet
EA control by Anubis