Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Newsea Last...Supper!

Well apart from the file name of this hair and misplaced hair strand,
this hair mesh is so simple yet cute.
Hehe, that's enough said!
Mesh included!
Both versions available!

Adjust-Shine: Here

EA: Here

Texture by Pooklet

Poseidon's MEGA Retexture Compilation Surprise!!!

Well guys sorry for the long wait! But here are a bunch of new retextures by yours truly! I thought about quickly and I decided to take action and get finished, the reason why this is a large compilation of hair retextures!
It's because unfortunately, I'm heading back to school again...
Well the meshes are included you can have both versions!
EXCEPT FOR PEGGY 240, I HAVE ISSUES WITH HER OLDER HAIRS BECAUSE OF NO BONE FILES! SORRY! :(Peggy hairs are 11-21mb files! Think about installing!

Lydia AS: Here

Lydia EA: Here

Treasure EA: Here

Treasure AS: Here

Peggy 862 EA: Here

Peggy 862 AS: Here

Jenifer AS: Here

Jenifer EA: Here

 DiamondCandy EA: Here

DiamondCandy AS: Here


Peggy 814 AS: Here

Peggy 814 EA: Here

Peggy 240 AS: Here

Peggy 240 EA: Here

Anne AS: Here

Anne EA: Here

Texture by Pooklet
Controls by Me
Model by Anubis

Saturday, 28 January 2012

This retexture started it all off!

Finally, I have uploaded my very first retexture that started it all!
I have tweaked with it many times, and I am finally proud of the final result.
You can have both versions!
Mesh included!

EA Version: Mediafire

 Adjust-Shine Version: Mediafire

Texture by Pooklet

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Newsea Regina Retexture!

Hello fellow simmers!
Another retexture rampage! xD
Today it's for the latest Newsea hair mesh "Regina"
Mesh included
You can only have one version!

Newsea Regina EA

Texture by Pooklet
Control by Anubis

Newsea Retextures!

Yet another "Newsea Favs Retexture Post"
I have three Adjust-Shine only retextures, if you want to have EA retextures of these hair visit Lotus' Journal.
As usual, mesh included and replaces originals...

Newsea Wella

Texture by Pooklet
Control by Anubis

Newsea DreamGlory!

Another retexture, and I guess you are wondering why an oldie?
Well recently I have been picking my favourite hair meshes from Newsea when they were with T$R and I couldn't believe the lack of texture beauty they put on some of their hairs, there are two versions, you can only choose one!
Mesh included and replaces Newsea's original file.

Adjust-Shine: Mediafire

Texture by Pooklet
Control by Anubis

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Requested EA Retextures Compilation! Bonus!

Okay, now here is the EA retextures! Enjoy!

(Read Me! Newsea Gem and Butterfly 022 EA retextures found a Paint Stroke, give contribution to this new hair retexturer!)


Newsea Equinoxe

Textures by Pooklet
Control by Anubis

Requested Adjust-Shine Retextures Compilation! Bonus!

Here you go guys! As promised!
The Adjust-Shine retextures of the requested hair, EA soon!
I added a bonus retexture, just for you guys! Bye!


Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Hey guys! It's me again, I just wanted to say that I do take requests, but the only thing is, if your retexture doesn't come expected, it's alright! I am probably busy or had to do some errands, I'll be able to do so but it could take time...

(Leave your requests below)

Newsea Soledad Retexture!

Hey Guys, today I'm here with a Newsea retexture! This hair mesh really stood out for me and the quality was really nice! I like the original texture but I decided to retexture it anyway! xD See-ya! (I didn't include the toddler version because there was a fault, I specifically replaced the Adjust-Shine texture with EA, yet it still showed up with Adjust-Shine highlights. Sorry) Choose only one highlights version. Mesh included.

Adult: Female and Male
Child: Here

Adult: Female and Male
Child: Here

Sorry this time no CC list, just ask and I'll paste the link in the comments box below!
P.S EA and Adjust-Shine do not look the same, it is just photoshop that might have done that!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Peggy 0294 Retexture!

Howdy Y'all! xD Hey guys! I'm back with a retexture by Peggy this time! Surprising! I reckon this hair mesh style, was flawless! But I was a pessimist with the blackness of the hair, so then I decided to retexture it! Here you go! Enjoy!

Unedited Photos...

Edited Photos...

Textures by Pooklet and Anubis.

Adjust-Shine: Here
EA: Here

CC used...
Eyebrows: Missbonbon & julianafraga29
Eyes: Gamesir & WM
Eyeliner: Bille (B+)
Eyebags: Tifa
Blush: EA
Lipsticks: S-Club
Face Skin: Ephemera
Body Skin: Ephemera
Dress: Sims Store
Necklace: EA